Rastafari Is



Auto Scripture: 
Revelation 17:14;
Rastafari is
Rastafari is
Yes He is;
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.

He's the mighty, mighty one.
Thunderable, thunderable one.

Yes He is;
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.

He's the omnipotent, omnipotent one.
Magnificent, super, magnificent one,

Yes He is;
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.

Rastafari, Rastafari is.
Rastafari is

Yes He is;
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.


Rastafari is
Rastafari is
Yes He is;
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.

You better worship, worship Him,
You better praise, praise Him.

'Cause He is;
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.
Lords of Lords and Savior.