A great big thanks...

I just want to say thanks for this website. It has really helped me in helping our praise band in a time of great transition. :)

Steve Partlow's picture

Aw, thanks! :) This started just as a way to help me and my band out but I'm so encouraged others find it useful. Band transitions can be challenging; my church has gone through a few too.


groovypraise's picture

So my computer crashed and I lost the site, etc. I finally found it again. Yay!

Just what I've been looking for!! Our group of Anglican and Methodist churches near Nottingham, UK, are quite traditional and are not that familiar with contemporary songs. We provide worship at a monthly, modern praise service and are just given the lectionary readings and, if we are lucky, a vague theme.

Your website has just given us a whole list of songs that are in our library and would fit the readings and the theme. We'll be using it on a regular basis and, hopefull add some new songs.

Simon Cocks's picture

I agree with Martella, what a fab resource. I'm the worship leader at an Anglican Church in Birmingham UK, this site is very helpful
Many thanks and Blessings to Steve and all those who have made this site what it is!

Nathan J. Brauer's picture

Worship leader in Dublin, California here. Again, very good resource. @Steve, did you develop this site?

Steve Partlow's picture

Yes. I created the site. I haven't had as much time lately to make improvements but I'd love to get back to it. I'm glad you find it useful. I'm happy to hear any feedback on what works well and what doesn't.

Angelo Natalie's picture


I Googled [Scripture reference songs index] and this site popped up. It's a great idea and something I've thought CCLI/SongSelect should do. But you're doing it. Very cool! Thanks.

I music-direct two services every Sunday: an evangelical Presbyterian and a Catholic Mass. This site will be a helpful resource for both.
